Coach Ellyn

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#24 - How to Maximize your New Years

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It’s 2019! And ya’ll know that I’m not big on New Years…I’m big on goals and living intentionally according to your vision always. Not just with each new calendar year! But, that doesn’t change the fact that a lot of us are in that New Years headspace of wanting to make some changes, some big pivots and some freaking transformation into 2019. So, how can we maximize that mood? Well, in today’s spur of the moment, impulse episode, I wanted to give you just that – some of my top tips for maximizing New Years 2019!


  1. DON’T SET A NEW YEARS RESOLUTION I’m exceptionally anit-New Years resolutions. I’m incredibly anti-yearly goals. Ya’ll know I’m big on goals, but there’s better ways to do it! Instead of a yearly goal or resolution, make quarterly goals or choose a word to color your intention for the year! To know where to set those goals, check out my free 3-part webinar series to discover where you should set your goals.

  2. PRIORITIZE YOUR HEALTH. Because if you don’t prioritize your health, you won’t have the vitality and the energy to invest in the other parts of your life. In your relationship. In your business. In your goals, passions, other priorities. Prioritize your sleep, your hydration, your nutrients, and your movement.

  3. DEVELOP ROUTINES. Friends, we all have routines. But more often than not, your routines are not serving you. Instead of setting yourself up for success in your life, your setting yourself up for overwhelm, stress and anxiety. So, any part of your life where you find yourself frazzled, develop a routine there. If you’re frazzled in the morning, develop a morning routine. If you’re frazzled when you get to work, develop a routine when you get to work. Find the place in your life where you currently feel the most overwhelm and create a routine there.

  4. USE YOUR MORNINGS FOR YOU AND YOUR GOALS. We’ve talked about routines, but I actually think that the most important routine in your life is your morning routine. Too often, we let our goals get away from us because they fall to the wayside when we’re distracted by other things. Instead of letting yourself lose track of things, prioritize them by making time for them in your morning. If it’s your fitness, workout in the morning. If it’s your personal growth, prioritize reading in the morning. If it’s your biz, work your biz in the morning. Just spend some time prioritizing your priorities in the morning.

  5. SET BOUNDARIES. In your time and in your relationships. If something isn’t showing up in your calendar, schedule it. Whether it’s a workout, it’s date night, time with your kids, whatever….put it in your freaking calendar. Because if you haven’t scheduled it and set the boundary with your time, you’re not properly setting boundaries. When it comes to your relationships, part of setting boundaries has to do with getting support and there’s two pieces of this. You have to ask for the support. Otherwise, how the heck will the people in your life know you want support? You also have to tell the people in your life what support looks like for you. You can ask for support, but what if the support the people in your life give the kind of support you want? Maybe you want words of affirmation to show support, but the people in your life are giving you acts of kindness as support. You have to tell them what you want.