Coach Ellyn

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2 Minute Tricks to Cut Down on Overwhelm

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Feeling overwhelmed can be a common experience, especially when you have a lot on your plate. It can often lead to procrastination, increased stress levels, and decreased productivity. However, there are simple tricks that you can implement in just two minutes or less to help alleviate some of that overwhelm. In this blog post, we will discuss some of these tricks that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine.

7 2-minute tips…

01. The 2-minute rule

Shoutout to the guru of productivity himself, David Allen, for this gem. It’s one of the biggest takeaways I had from his book “Getting Things Done.” Admittedly, the system he proposes is never something I latched onto, but I love the 2 minute rule! The 2-minute rule is a technique that can help you tackle small tasks that are often overlooked. When we see a small task on our to-do list, it's easy to put it off for later, thinking that it's not important enough to warrant our immediate attention. But the truth is that these small tasks can add up, and they can start to take up a lot of time and mental energy. That's where the 2-minute rule comes in.

The rule is simple: if a task takes 2 minutes or less, just do it right away. This trick can help you clear your to-do list of small tasks, and it can also help to boost your motivation and productivity.

But why is the 2 minute rule so effective? By completing these small tasks right away, you can build momentum and start to feel a sense of accomplishment, which can help you be more productive throughout the day. It can also help you avoid procrastination and stay focused on your goals. Additionally, by using this rule, you may find that you have more time for other tasks that require more attention and focus because you have already taken care of the small tasks that were taking up your time.

02. Deep breathing

Deep breathing is a highly effective technique that can be used to alleviate feelings of stress, anxiety, and being overwhelmed, while also having a positive impact on your overall well-being. Plus, it’s super easy to fit into any and all lengths of time.

When you’re breathing for stress relief there are a couple of important things to remember. First, you need to make sure you’re breathing through your stomach (aka through your diaphragm). This triggers your parasympathetic nervous system, which is important for resetting your stress response. It basically tells your body to chill out because you’re safe. You only get this through diaphragmatic breathing—not from chest breathing, which even feels more stressful. The second important aspect of deep breathing for stress relief is to breathe slowly. I actually really like straw breathing for this because it forces us to slow down our breathing.

03. have a dance party or listen to your fave song

When we are feeling overwhelmed, it can be difficult to focus on our tasks and responsibilities. In times like these, taking a break and engaging in some form of stress-reducing activity can help to alleviate the pressure and recharge our energy levels.

One such activity is dancing or listening to your favorite song. Not only does it provide a much-needed break from work, but it can also help to reduce stress levels and boost your mood. When we dance or listen to music, our brains release endorphins, which are natural stress-fighters that help to decrease feelings of anxiety and tension. Additionally, taking a dance break can help to increase our energy levels and improve our focus, allowing us to return to our tasks with a renewed sense of motivation. So next time you're feeling overwhelmed, open up Spotify, cue up your favorite song, and have a little musical reprieve. And if you’re so inclined, let loose and dance your littel booty off!

It may be just the break you need to help cut down on stress and increase productivity.

04. keep a one-line or 5-min journal

Keeping a one-line journal is a simple yet effective way to reflect on your daily experiences and clear your mind. By taking just 2 minutes before going to bed each night—or in the midst of a stressful day—to write down a single sentence that summarizes your day, you can develop a habit that fosters self-awareness and helps you identify patterns in your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

With daily practice, you may begin to notice how certain activities or people affect your mood, productivity, and overall well-being. Moreover, this practice can help you reduce stress levels by providing an outlet for expressing your thoughts and feelings in a safe and private way. By gaining more clarity about your life and priorities, you can make more informed decisions and take actions that align with your values and goals.

05. do a brain dump

One of my favorite quotes on productivity and overwhelm is, “Overwhelm isn’t having too much to do; it’s not knowing where to start.” Tany Dalton, a productivity coach, said this. When you have a lot on your plate, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed out. This is where doing a brain dump can be incredibly helpful. By taking a few minutes to write down everything that's on your mind, you can release those thoughts and ideas, and give your brain some much-needed space to breathe.

When you do a brain dump, you're not just clearing your mind, you're also creating a reference point for yourself. You can look back at what you've written and identify which tasks are most important, and which ones can be put off for later. This can help you prioritize your work and make sure that you're focusing on the tasks that will have the most impact.

Furthermore, doing a brain dump can help you overcome the feeling of being stuck. Sometimes, when you're working on a project or task, you can get bogged down in the details and lose sight of the bigger picture. Doing a brain dump can help you step back and see the project or task from a different perspective. This can help you identify new ideas, come up with solutions to problems, and get your creative juices flowing.

06. Clean Your Desk

Our environment affects our stress! Cleaning your desk is an easy, quick way of overcoming that feeling. When your workspace is cluttered, it can be difficult to focus on your tasks, and the mess can be a constant source of distraction. By taking just two minutes to clear off your desk and organize your materials, you can create a clean and organized workspace that promotes productivity and reduces stress.

A clean and organized workspace can help you feel more in control of your surroundings, which can lead to increased feelings of calmness and relaxation. It can also help you to prioritize tasks, making it easier to stay focused and productive. Additionally, by keeping your workspace clean, you can reduce the amount of time you spend searching for lost items and increase the time you spend working on important tasks. Plus, it’s not something that has to be a long, lengthy process. Your desk can be declutter by spending as little as 2 minutes picking up, discarding trash, ridding of excess mugs and bowls, etc.

Cleaning your desk is not just a physical task; it can also have a positive impact on your mental health.

07. Unsubscribe Purge

Our modern-day environment isn’t just physical, it’s digital. And email overload can be a major source of that clutter, especially when we are constantly bombarded with emails that we don't need or want. In today's fast-paced world. Our inboxes can quickly become cluttered with promotional emails, newsletters, and other messages that do not serve us. This can make it difficult to focus on important tasks and prioritize our time effectively. However, by taking a few minutes to go through your inbox and unsubscribe from unnecessary email lists, you can reduce the amount of mental energy you spend sifting through emails and focus on the more important ones.

Unsubscribing from email lists that no longer serve you is a simple yet effective way to declutter your inbox and reduce stress levels, plus it’s FAST AF. If you spent just 2 minutes going through the newsletter and promotional emails and deciding whether or not it’s one you want to stay subscribed to, you can easily clean up your digital environment.

When you receive fewer emails, you are less likely to feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of messages in your inbox. This can help you to focus on the most important emails and respond to them in a timely manner.

Moreover, unsubscribing from email lists can help you to reduce information overload. When we are constantly bombarded with information, it can be difficult to process and prioritize it effectively. By unsubscribing from unnecessary email lists, you can reduce the amount of information you receive and focus on the most important messages. This can help you to stay focused on your goals and reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed.

So, that’s it!

7 2-minute tips for decreasing overwhelm in your life!

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