Coach Ellyn

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Horseshoe Bend: The Most Scenic Highway Pull-Off in America

WHEN DID WE GO: August 7, 2017

WHY DID WE GO: USA Road Trip - en route to Grand Canyon from Antelope Canyon


No bummers. No highlights. Why?

This place is the most fucking spectacular little gem I have ever experienced.

I'm sorry if you don't like swearing, but for how absolutely mind-blowingly incredible this view is, expletives were necessary.

I still can't wrap my mind around how amazing this view is.

And the crazy thing is that it's so inconspicuously situated just over the hill after a highway pull-off, that  so many of the people in my life that have vacationed and explored in this area had no idea this little gem was here. As soon as I shared this picture on social media, I had comments pour in from family members who had just been in this area a few years earlier. "Where is that?" "How come we didn't stop here?" Well, probably because if you drive by this area in the morning, you wouldn't even know.

About 2 miles south of Page, Arizona, just south of Mile Marker 545 on Highway 89. If you luck out, you'll be able to easily pull into the parking lot and hike the .5 mile little trail up and over the hilltop to the scenic viewpoint. If you're like us and you head to Horseshoe Bend at peak times after all of the Antelope Canyon tours have just gotten out, it will be crowded, but damn near impossible to miss as the highway just outside of the parking lot will be lined with cars and tour buses.

Yes, there are crowds.

Yes, people will be jostling for a good spot to take in the views and snap way too many pictures.

But, do you see that view?

Oh my gosh, it's so worth it, I cannot even tell you. Fight the crowds. This is the one time I would tell you that, ever. I am not a crowds person. But damn is it worth it to see this view and experience this place.