Coach Ellyn

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#106 - What to do when you DON'T FEEL LIKE being PRODUCTIVE

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Have you found yourself not "feeling like" being productive? Felt like you should be more productive in your day-to-day life, but you just couldn't seem to muster the motivation or the energy?

If I'm being 1000% honest with you, that's been my experience a lot lately. I haven't been feeling the motivation. I have a TON of things I’m REALLY pumped for but I just haven’t been excited to DO them, you know?

Have you been there, too? If you have, I'm sure you can resonate with the fact that that level of defeat, disenchantment, whatever you want to call it, it doesn't feel good, does it?

Well, that's where I’ve been at. And it’s definitely a place that I’ve been before and that I’ve emerged from before. But how? How have I emerged from it.

Today’s podcast was inspired by digging back into that. Looking at old #TruthBombTuesday newsletters, old journal entries, and just reflecting on my life to answer the question: “What did I do before to emerge from this”? And that is exactly what we’re going to talk about today!

For show notes, head to and, of course, if you have any questions or want to connect, head on over to @coachellyn on Instagram.


  • Don't fight it. If I have any first big tip for you, it's not to fight the fact that you're in this state, this headspace. I fought it for a long time. I tried to create, produce, do all the things, etc. but it all backfired. Because the stuff I was creating didn't feel good either. Honestly, I realize now that it would have served me better to just accept that I wasn't in a state to create or produce. It would've served me better to just observe this state that I was in and wait for true inspiration to hit me. So, that's tip #1 - don't fight the fact that you "don't feel like it" may very well just be in that kind of a season in your life!

  • Go back to basics. When I realized that I just couldn't force producing things that I was proud of, I started very intentionally focus on simple things instead. Going back to the basics of things that felt good to me and that made me feel good! Basics that, just because I was in this weird headspace, didn't need to fall off track. What did these things include? My health, self-care and my personal growth. It might seem like a tall order, but many of these practices have been practices that I've been doing for years and that I, without a doubt, knew that I was capable of keeping up and that felt good. Things like my personal growth reading, my meditations, my journaling, my workouts...basically, my morning routine! I just focused on that and, if I'm being honest, everything else was just going through the motions. And I was okay with it! The point with this step was to avoid falling so far off track that I couldn't find my way back out. That was the point of just focusing on the basics and I think it really helped me with the next step. So, that's tip #2 - figure out what your basics are! Figure out which things feel good to you that you want to be sure to keep doing to keep yourself going through this time period...

  • Seek inspiration wherever you can find it. Honestly, this is the thing that I believe got me out of my "I don't feel like it" headspace. Seeking inspiration! During this time, I kept reading personal growth, I kept listening to podcasts, I kept meeting with my Mastermind babes. I kept searching for and seeking out the things that inspired me the most. And eventually, that inspiration led to an idea that I was pumped about! And that's what got me out of the funk. So, you see, seeking inspiration is going to jolt you awake out of this "I don't feel like it" trance because it's going to help you find something worth working toward again. It took me about 6 months to find that thing, but now, I legit don't want to stop working for it. So, that's tip #3 - Seek inspiration wherever you can. Eventually, that inspiration is going to jolt you with an idea that you get pumped about! That idea is going to be exactly what you need to get that productivity and inspiration going again. But, it's got to be the right idea and that's what is going to take patience to discover!


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