Coach Ellyn

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#49 - #RealTalk: Entrepreneur Life, Accountability & The "Too Young" Myth ft. Jackie Kossoff

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"Aren't you too young?" If you've ever heard this question or any derivative of it in your life, than you need to listen to this episode. Today we've got Jackie Kossoff on the podcast - a marketing strategic and success coach! Jackie and I vibe hard on being very achievement and strategy driven, but in this podcast we talk about all the things. If you're an entrepreneur, we talk about some of the common entrepreneur struggles. If you're big into strategy and how to more effectively achieving the things you want in your life, we dig into strategy and finding the best strategy for you. And if you're someone who has ever been told that you age is a hindrance to you getting what you want in your life, particularly if you've been told you're "too young", we dig into how to debunk the "too young" myth, how your age benefits you, and how to find power and motivation in all that you've learned in your life. This is a #realtalk episode and I'm so excited for you guys to listen to it!  For show notes, head to and be sure to head to for a FREE coaching session. Follow us on IG @thegrowthtribepodcast or @coachellyn


  • The entrepreneurial roller coaster and some of the doubt, insecurity, blame and loneliness you might experience along the way

  • The difference between entrepreneurism and contract work

  • Digital nomad life as an intro into the entrepreneur world

  • Different accountability systems - masterminds, accountability partners, and self accountability - and how to find the best systems for you and your productivity

  • The “too young” myth - how to overcome it and how to flip it on its head

Resources in this episode:

Check out some of Jackie’s favorites: Amber Lilyestrom, Kathrin Zenkina, and James Wedmore

Follow Jackie Kossoff - Facebook, Instagram, website and LinkedIn